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New number one

Posted on 16 Feb 2020 @ 10:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Arjin Djinx & Lieutenant Zayna Ryler

1,159 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Epilogue
Location: Chief Science Office
Timeline: Present

Practically having locked himself into his office or quarters had paid off. He had not been too troubled by other people. This was how he wanted things to be for now. So having received the notice that a Assistant Chief Science was appointed to the Black Hawk, he was obligated to officially welcome her and chit chat.
An appointment had been made for 14.00 h. Which was in a few minutes.
He sighed and waited the arrival of his number one.

Having received the message for a meeting at 1400 hours, Zayna at least had enough time to get some things unpacked. It appeared her department chief decided to meet up with her, though she was going to ask for a meeting herself. But, she had no issues with this at all.

She managed to find the chief science officer's office and pressed the chime on the door, only being maybe a minute or two early.

"Two minutes early. Neither too eager, nor too negligent. Perfect.", Arjin thought.

"Enter", was all he said.

Pressing the button that allowed the door to open, Zayna stepped inside with a small smile. "Lieutenant Zayna Ryler. I believe I'm your new assistant chief science officer?"

Arjin looked at the young woman standing before him. He nodded and waved towards a chair. "Since it is written on the transfert order I have here on my padd, I do so believe it myself also.", he replied. In a neither overly friendly nor too detached way. "Please sit. What can I get you for a drink?"

Taking the recommended seat, Zay thought for a brief moment, "Hot chocolate please. And I had figured you received my transfer orders, as the captain had as well. Met him on the shuttle over here."

Walking over to the replicator, he retrieved the sweet Earth beverage so many Humans seemed to adore. Settling on a spiced Indian Chai himself. He brought the chocolate to the Lieutenant and sat back down. "So you already had plenty of time to get aquainted then?", he asked.

Carefully taking the drink and then taking a sip, Zayna nodded. "A bit. Basic chit chat while traveling is all. Otherwise, I've kind of kept to myself since getting on board. But, knew I had to check in here as well, so thought it best to do that."

Arjin drank some of his tea whilst observing the Lieutenant. "If you you give your job all you have got, you will find the Captain to be a fair person.", he nodded. "As for you. I can read your service record and speculate. But I always find it more enlightening when someone would give me an overview in person. That is if you don't mind it."

"Err, that depends on the information you are curious about. I'm a pretty simple person overall, just with quite a bit of baggage. Got to deal with Klingons for my last assignment before coming here. And as crazy ex who escaped Starfleet custody and is on the run trying to find me. That," she said as she bit her lip, "Is the complicated bit."

Arjin blinked. "I eh, thank you for this info Lieutenant. But I was refering to a professional overview. I was not prying for anything private."

Zayna gave a small shrug, "It actually is professional. Before I left the Kumari it was said that he was working for who we were fighting in our battle with the Klingons. Or, a group of them at least. So, although it was personal somewhat, still professional." She put up a hand before he could say anything, "I know, I gave the personal side. Hard not to with what I went through. Otherwise, my record is a bit boring. Temporal science studies, but never encountered, ship to ship as an officer."

Taking a sip before answering, he nodded. "Personal and professional are always entertwined. No doubt about that. One just has to give it the place it deserves. Even if that means locking things away in the background.". Then he winced "Temporal Physics always gave me a headache. Glad you like it."

"I don't mind studying it, but experiencing it is one thing I hope to never do. I'm not a fan of the aftermath, seen it go bad far too many times." She too took a sip of her drink. "But given how much studying I've done of it, my luck will be that i'll find it somewhere."

"Are you a strong believer then in the Human called Murphy?", he asked.

Zayna raised an eyebrow. "The human called Murphy? I'm not sure I follow."

"Is there not a saying on Earth, contributed to this man Murphy: If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.", he asked.

It took a moment, but she finally realized what he was talking about. "Oh, it isn't a person. Its called Murphy's Law. That's why I was confused. But, at times I suppose I believe it. However, we are scientists after all. That only applies sometimes."

"Doubting is a good quality for a science officer.", he replied. "Not alway believing on first sight what you see, always trying to find out the why behind all things." "Just not too much selfdoubt.", he thought without speeking that out loud.

"I gather then that you taking this post as Assistant Chief Science Officer instead of staying on as Chief Science Officer has all to do with the personal problems you told earlier? Not a case of selfdoubt."

"Not a case of self doubt by any means. Just, all those problems and felt like I should try to get back to being myself before taking on an entire department."

"Good.", he replied. "On another note. I saw you worked on the new sensors. What can you tell me that I need to be aware of?"

Zayna thought for a moment, "They are some impressive upgrades. When I was working on them, I never thought I'd be assigned to the ship they would be part of. As for anything you need to be aware of?" She tried to remember if there was anything huge. "Not really anything to be aware of, but when you see how their range is, I think you'll be impressed."

After a new sip of his tea, he nodded. "We'll certainly test it well. You have any questions?."

Finishing her drink, she shook her head. "Nothing that I can think of. But feel free to toss me work if you need to, I don't really mind staying busy."

"Careful what you wish for Lieutenant. I might just hold you onto that. Glad you are aboard. Get settled in and we'll speak more at tomorrows briefing."

Zayna gave a small shrug. "I don't mind the work. Keeps me busy. And thank you, I'll see you tomorrow."

Arjin finished his tea whilst his new number one left. "Now that wasn't too bad.", he thought. "Thank god for newcomers aboard."


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