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The Santa Black Hawk Diet

Posted on 24 Jun 2018 @ 8:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Captain Harvey Geisler

2,516 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: The Search Begins
Location: The Darkest Depths of Creepy
Timeline: MD 3 || 0333 Hours

The following post may contain elements of a graphic nature, bordering on basic horror tropes.

It always came back to food. At least that's how things seemed to be lately. It was a constant on her mind, and here she was sitting at the table near the replicator with a wide variety of foods before her, but one stood out above the rest. There were even some things she'd never touch in her right mind, like the bowl of what looked to be a very thick spaghetti covered in some sort of pinkish/red sauce. She reached out to wrap her hands around it, pulling it toward herself with a look of pure love in her eyes, then grabbed for her fork.

"Ah, Torg, I thank you for your sacrifice in appeasing the little ones, and I promise none of you will ever go to waste. I've even put the rest of you in a place where no one will ever find you, either," she said down to the bowl in front of her. "I also thank you for not putting up too much of a fight, though, who really could when they're taken by surprise?"

Joey smiled and began to dig in, making sounds of pure appreciation as she ate. Perhaps, she'd need to put Jayla on her grocery list next. After all, the doctor had spoken her secret aloud even if she didn't realize there was a lot of truth to it. It was no secret that the Intel Chief gave into her cravings, either. What her children wanted, her children got, and often times without question. It just so happened that tonight, Tellarite was on the menu, and her former Intel Analyst was absolutely delicious.

"Do you taste like bacon?" she asked, not expecting to get a verbal response. "Only slightly, but that's because there wasn't enough time to cure you properly. Perhaps, we can do that in the Captain's mess. The chef certainly does know his way around a kitchen."

Joey continued to eat, savoring each and every bite. It was then she realized that the more she are, the more she rather enjoyed such exotic foods. And why should she keep such things to herself? Greatness was meant to be shared, was it not? Perhaps, a dinner party was in order. She'd invite those she and Harvey were closest to, an evening they would all enjoy. And, of course, Petty Officer Second Class Mofrich Torg would be their guest of honor. Oh, but it would be so delightful.

Joey's appetite in recent days had done a number on Harvey. Nothing seemed to satisfy her, and the rumbles from her starving stomach were deafening. Harvey had thought he was doomed forever, and would be forced to watch his pregnant wife be starved to death, along with their two unborn children.

Then the most miraculous thing happened. At first, Harvey thought Crewman Jackson was an idiot, placing his hand where it most definitely should not have been, badly burning and charring it beyond recognition, forcing Doctors Abrams and Road to amputate. The smell of burnt flesh was terrible to all, save for the woman with the swelling abdomen that returned with the first away team.

On a whim, Harvey smuggled the arm out of sickbay, and with horror, he'd watched her consume the cooked flesh like a kid tearing into a fried chicken leg. In an instant, he found himself torn. He was thrilled that he'd found a solution. And, he was equally distraught because what that solution meant. Joey could only survive on the morgue for so long, especially since the death toll had been minimal so far. For Joey to survive, the crew would have to suffer.

As he arrived home, he carried a small crate. He knew it wouldn't be filling enough, but with the Tellarite casualty from the drill, this would probably work as a good dessert. He entered their quarters, announcing as the doors closed, "Honey, I'm home!"

Joey slurped up another 'noodle' as her husband walked through the door. His presence always seemed to make her feel better, and he never judged her for what her body seemed to crave. In fact, and she was willing to bet it bothered him a little bit, he'd embraced things and made sure she had what she needed to survive. How did she get so lucky? "Hi!" she said, jumping to her feet and moving toward him with a bright smile. After leaning in to kiss him, she eyed the small crate he was carrying. "What do you have there?"

"Dessert," he replied, returning the strangely flavored kiss. He tasted what passed for pasta and bacon. For a moment, he was enthralled by the taste, but then he paused, remembering the source. As a doctor, he'd seen a variety of unpleasant circumstances. Only because of them was he not able to vomit from the cannibalism.

"For me?" she asked, unable to keep the giddy excitement at bay. Joey really wanted to see what was inside the crate, but would wait if that was what he wanted.

Harvey gulped, having yet another mental image of the fate that lied for the critter he'd brought home. "Yes, it's for you," he said with a smile. Were it not for his undying love for her and the children she was days away from bearing, he would have turned tail and ran a long time ago. Of course, now his only worry was getting away with this for a prolonged period of time before the crew noticed so many started turning up missing.

Joey took the crate and brought it over to the table. She didn't know why she craved flesh, but it was no secret what her babies wanted, her babies got. For now, they were being careful, but there would come a time where others would start to notice people coming up missing. The morgue was great and all, but it just didn't compare to the real deal. "Thank you, honey," she said, beaming over at him before she opened the top to peek inside of it. "You're the best!"

She reached inside and pulled the little body of a live spidermunk out, lighting up like a child seeing stacks of presents under their tree of Christmas morning. "Oh! I bet he's going to taste delicious!" she exclaimed, smiling a bit wider when the little creature began to put up a fight. Joey appreciated a little resistance when it came to her food. For some reason, it just made them taste better, and this little guy would be no exception. Without anymore hesitation, she bit into the body portion and began to chew it up, watching as webbing shot across the room as if it were some sort of reflex. The Intel Chief covered her mouth and spoke. "You know, this isn't half bad. A little crunchy, but definitely something I could sink my teeth into."

She took a second bite and closed her eyes, savoring the flavor, but that wasn't the weirdest thing to happen. The fact that her already swollen abdomen seemed to swell a bit more was definitely weirder. It didn't seem to bother Joey, though. It was almost like she was used to such a thing happening.

It wasn't hard for Harvey to notice the swelling. He knew the Operations department had tailored a few new uniforms for his wife, but with the twins growing so quickly inside her, Joey's clothes often no longer fit after a week or so. In fact, he'd remained stationary just inside the door, and he was fairly certain he was watching her stomach slowly grow. The zipper seams over her womb were certainly getting taut. Any more, and he knew they would give way.

He approached the table and looked at the food there, finding none of it appetizing. In fact, he assumed that if he partook, she'd have his arm, or he might develop an appetite like hers. "I'm glad you like it, honey," he told her, smiling.

Even weirder was the fact that her abdomen seemed to ripple as their children moved inside of her, shifting her new weight from one side to the next and back again. It looked to be a bit painful, but didn't seem to bother Joey in the least. Maybe it was because she was taking care of her 'sweet' tooth, or maybe it was because she was used to it, but either way, the Intel Chief seemed to ignore it. "Are there anymore of these left, or does Science have them all now?"

"I don't think Science has them all," he remarked. "I do hear that donuts are excellent bait. We could set some near the vents and attract the rest." His eyes rested on her stomach where he could certainly make out movement.

"That's a great idea!" she said, finishing off the rest of her treat and moving over to the replicator to request a few donuts. Joey moved around their quarters to place them near the vents before she returned back to the main living area. She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped. A surprised look crossed her features before she found herself looking down. "I... I think my water just broke," she said, but then a sickening sound, much like two rocks being ground together, filled the air.

Harvey immediately verified her story and quickly helped her get back up. "Yep. Let's get to sickbay right away. If you don't think you can make it, we can head for the sofa, but I think you've got time."

Joey let out a pained sound and shook her head. It was beyond anything she'd ever felt before, and she'd felt some serious pain throughout her career. Hell, she'd even died and been brought back. "No, no," she said between panting breaths caused from her contractions and the constant pain. "I... I really don't think I can. They're coming. Now."

She wasn't kidding, Harvey adjusted immediately, leading them to the bedroom and not the couch. Slapping his combadge, he summoned a medical team to his quarters. There was no way he could handle delivering twins all by himself. "Breathe and push," he said, trying to keep her calm in the meantime.

Minutes ticked by, and no medical team showed up. Joey continued pushing, but nothing happened. The pain kept getting worse to the point that she was able to even focus on what was going on around her. "I... can't," she panted, trying to turn her attention toward him. The more she tried, the farther away he seemed to get. Another few seconds went by as inhumane cries left her graying lips. Even her once tanned skin was as white as a sheet, but there wasn't anything she could do about it.

Joey brought her hands to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up, revealing an abdomen that didn't look normal. It was gray in color, veiny and hard to the touch. Still, though, she couldn't take it anymore. Something needed to be done. With a shaking hand, she rolled onto her side and struggled to reach for the drawer of the nightstand, but somehow managed to pull out her tactical blade she tried to keep with her at all times in case of emergencies... such as this one, then brought it to her stomach. She allowed it to sing into her skin by an inch and let out a pained cry. It hurt so bad, but it needed to be done, and Joey didn't think Harvey would be able to do it himself.

With shaky hands, the laboring woman made a pretty crude incision on herself and moved to stick her hand inside, but there was no need for that. Two cries that could only be described as wicked and dreadful came from within her womb. A few seconds later, the reason for those cries made themselves known. What appeared weren't the two babies they'd been expecting, but monsters. Monsters with deformities befitting true nightmares with red eyes. They looked toward their father and launched themselves toward them, going for the throat.

Scales. All Harvey saw were scales. Her spawn moved so fast that Harvey did not have a chance to react, falling backwards on impact. Harvey screamed in terror, writhing on the floor, trying to free himself from their death grips.


"NO!" Joey roared as she bolted upright in bed. Her breathing was heavy and her clothes were saturated from sweat, not to mention the fact she'd kicked the covers off of herself off sometime during the night. She couldn't see anything, but found herself feeling around with shaky hands. Cold fear rooted itself inside of her, and it took every ounce of will she had to keep from bursting into tears.

Harvey hadn't noticed that the bed had grown cold thanks to the removed covers, but it was impossible to not hear the blood-curdling scream from beside him. He sat upright instantly, looking over to see his wife in the dark. The blue zone barrier barely shown through the window thanks to how far they were from the barrier, but it was enough to illuminate her distraught features. Even Rico and Pequeno rushed into the bedroom. They didn't sense danger, only that the mama needed them. "Joey?" Harvey asked gently, placing a hand on her backside.

She launched herself in the direction the sound of his voice came from as a sob escaped her lips. Joey couldn't say anything, but clung to her husband after such a horrendous nightmare. She'd had her fair share in the past, but that had to have been among one of the worst, and one she wasn't likely ever to forget. Still clinging to him with one arm, she brought her other hand to her stomach and probed it a bit. It didn't feel hard, nor did it grow any since she'd fallen asleep, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to go to sickbay to make sure there weren't any lizard babies growing inside of her somewhere. And Torg... she'd have to check on him.

"There, there," Harvey said softly, using a soothing tone and patted her back gently as he embraced her. "We're safe and sound here." On cue, Rico and Pequeno leaped onto the bed and laid on Joey, softly nuzzling her as well. Harvey, meanwhile, made a mental note to not allow any more pizza for dinner.

Joey relaxed a bit knowing he was okay, but sleep was going to elude her for the rest of the night. "I know," she said barely above a whisper. He was safe, and that was more than she could ever hope for. She pressed a kiss to his forehead and settled back down on the bed without letting him go, and allowed the dogs to curl up with them. While she might not be able to sleep, Joey wanted them to, and she would provide a watchful eye while they did.


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