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One of Many

Posted on 20 Mar 2018 @ 1:33pm by Ensign Kelly Khan

1,957 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: History
Location: Starfleet Academy, Earth
Timeline: 2384

Kelly Marie Khan looked out the window of the shuttle as it came down the coast from Bend, Oregon. She could see the Golden Gate Bridge approaching and her heart leapt in her chest; she had been here before, but this time, she would be staying here for four long years. Starfleet Academy echoed in her mind and a shiver went through her and a thrill that she would be the first person in her family to attend.

As the shuttle approached, she could see the Shuttle Port, the Command School Campus that she hoped to attend and the Medical School Campus tucked behind it. The Academy sprawled in a very well laid out fashion and she knew that she was one of thousands who applied here each year and one of the fewer who had succeeded in passing the entrance exams.

The shuttle pilot, who was transporting a dozen cadets like Kelly, had already received authorization to fly over the campus, veered off from the Shuttle Port and came over the intercom. "Ladies and gentlebeings," he began. "I have a very special treat for you today. I've been given permission to do a flyover of the Academy."

Cheers went up and Kelly's heart jumped again as she pressed her nose against the window she had been lucky enough to sit by. She couldn't believe it but she could at the same time; she had spent two long, hard years studying the subjects she wanted to take at the Academy and now all of her efforts were paying off.

"If you'll look to your right, you'll see the Shuttle Port, the Command School and Medical School Campus, the Transporter Center and the Presidio West Transit Station," the pilot told them as the speed of the shuttle dropped to give the eager young people time to see each one.

Excited chatter broke out among the future cadets, some saying that they would be going to Medical School and others for the Command School as they shared their hopes and dreams of what their futures were going to be like.

"What are you going for?" a young Betazoid sitting beside of her asked Kelly.

"Flight, Engineering and Command School," the young brunette said with a smile. "What about you?"

"I'm not sure yet. Three subjects? That's very impressive. You haven't decided which one that you'll want to major in yet?"

"Oh, I'm going to take all of them," Kelly told the young man with the assurance in her voice that she meant exactly what she said.

Meanwhile, the pilot turned the shuttle to the north. "If you'll look to the left, you'll see the Parade Grounds and Special Operations School and the Starfleet Academy Transit Station."

Another cheer went up and a chant of 'Ex Astris, Scientia!' exploded from the cadets and the pilot chuckled. “From the stars, knowledge, indeed,” he said. “But for the next four years, it will be the knowledge gained from the stars which will be imparted to each of you at the Academy.”

"Look, there's the Montgomery Scott Engineering Building!" one young human male exclaimed. "The most famous Engineer that Starfleet ever had!"

"Over there is James Tiberius Kirk Hall, named after the most famous captain Starfleet ever graduated and the only person to beat the Kobayashi Maru!"

The pilot wondered if the young minds knew every building on the campus, but continued with his tour. "Below us, you'll see Admiral Demaro Hall and the Advanced Tactical Command Training Facility, followed by the Christopher Pike Hall and the Daystrom Building."

More excited chatter and tidbits of gleaned knowledge filled the shuttle and the pilot circled around to let everyone have the opportunity to see the buildings that he named off. "Hey," he joked. "Who's doing the tour here?"

Laughter came from the cadets and he continued as it subsided once more. "To your left is the Droven Kol Hall, the Judicial Sciences Building, the Neal Tanner Life Sciences Building and the Zefram Cochrane Warp Sciences Building. Can anyone tell me who Zefram Cochrane is?"

"He's the human scientist who made Earth's first warp flight on April 5th two thousand and sixty-three!" Kelly said excitedly followed by another cadet who exclaimed that he was the one that got the Vulcan scout ship's attention and was the first person to encounter a real alien. That brought more chuckles and the pilot continued.

"That's right," the pilot said. "The science buildings contain state-of-the-art computer and laboratory systems, enabling cadets to learn the latest scientific theories and perform all manner of personal research and experiments. Security around the science buildings is higher than in other areas of the Academy because these buildings often house sensitive scientific and technical information, valuable samples, and ongoing experiments. Cadets must schedule laboratory time in advance and sign in with personnel on duty for out-of-class research."

"Next we have the Observatory, Science Annex, and Surak Physics Hall to your right and T'Plana-Hath Hall and Thomas Kendel Hall to your left. You will all spend many hours in both of those in classrooms interfacing with the Academy's main computer system, allowing immediate access to all class-related information."

Kelly's heart was beating so fast and hard that she thought it would explode and saw by the looks on the faces of the other cadets, minus one stoic Vulcan female, that they were feeling the same thing she was. Starfleet Academy! went through her mind again and she felt her eyes tearing up with the joy and excitement, the prestige and the ability to serve Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets.

"In addition to the grounds, the Academy maintains a botanical garden featuring numerous plant species. Some grow outside, arranged in paths to provide shade and comfortable places to enjoy the natural beauty. Other plant species flourish indoors under controlled conditions, particularly those species not acclimated to the San Francisco Bay area or Earth. The biology school uses the greenhouses to study different elements of plant biology, including species not native to Earth," the pilot pointed out as he circled over the extensively landscaped Academy grounds where an effort to preserve much of the area's natural beauty. The paths were lined with trees and grass, and flowerbeds showcased a broad variety of plant species from Earth and elsewhere.

"More boring and hopefully places you won't have to go unless it's to get honors or simple checkups is the Administration Center and Infirmary and more exciting is the Botellin Center for the Arts which hosts performances by Starfleet Academy cadets and guest artists, including plays, dramatic readings, and music concerts. Performances are open to the public, with preference given to Starfleet cadets and active personnel who wish to attend. The Arts Center also works in cooperation with the Federation Council on the Arts to sponsor displays and performances of fine arts from other member worlds. The Academy encourages students to take part in the campus artistic community to broaden their experiences and learn about other cultures through the arts."

He circled around once more as he continued his narrative, only partially aware that most of his passengers were lost in dreams or so enthralled by the sights laid out before them that they wouldn't have heard anything. "The Academy's library provides cadets with a quiet place to study and access information from the Academy computer systems and the Starfleet Information Net. Uplinks with Memory Alpha allows cadets to access to this database of the complete body of knowledge and literature from across the Federation. The library also holds an extensive collection of rare printed volumes and archaeological artifacts for reference and research purposes, more than one point four million items in all. Cadets may use these materials as required for their courses and research by requesting them from the library staff."

"Next, we have the Museum of Starfleet History near the library which containing displays for information relating to the history and development of Starfleet dating back to its founding in twenty one sixty-one. Items on display include the dedication plaques from some of the first Daedalus-class Federation starships; a scale model of Zefram Cochrane's warp ship, the Phoenix; early Starfleet uniforms and insignia; models showing the evolution of Starfleet vessels over the past two centuries; and a draft of Starfleet's charter from the United Federation of Planets."

Kelly thought her head were going to burst with all the information that the pilot was giving them and had no doubt that by the time she graduated, she wouldn't know what an orange was but would be able to mentally vector a flight path through a chaotic asteroid field without a second thought. "Worth it," she said out loud but the Betazoid who was sitting beside of her didn't notice.

"Starfleet Academy is also home to a modern athletic stadium, used for a variety of activities and events. The Academy sponsors athletic events with other institutions on Earth and throughout the Federation, including a Parrises squares tournament, gymnastics, a martial arts tournament, the Academy marathon and decathlon, soccer and vrex ball games, and other events as requested by the cadets and faculty. Participation in athletic events in open to all interested cadets."

A stocky Bolian nearly jumped out of his seat in excitement at the mention of Parrises squares. "I'm going to win the Federation the Parrises Squares tournament one day!" he proclaimed. "Who wants to be on my team?" Laughter, jeers and good natured boasting followed the Bolian's exclamation while the pilot circled over the dormitories and elaborated for the cadets.

"Starfleet Academy attends to the individual needs of cadets, providing housing facilities in which you're expected to live during your education. Campus housing emphasizes a multicultural living environment to introduce cadets to living and working with individuals from many different species and cultures.

First and second year cadets share quarters to learn to coexist with others under conditions not unlike those aboard a starship or starbase. Third and fourth year cadets may apply for individual quarters, available based on class ranking and need. Dormitories provide modern amenities, including sonic showers, computer access to multimedia entertainment, communications, and replicator facilities for meals and the production of common items like clothing."

The pilot paused in his narrative. "I've been asked to beg all of you to please do not scavenge parts from the replicator for any reason, or program them to serve only Gagh," he quipped, which brought more laughter from the cadets.

"Special Academy programs, including intensive language and science majors, reserve certain dormitories and dorm areas. All cadets living in these dormitories follow the same major and course path, allowing you to assist each other and enhance your educational experience."

"Finally, we have the The Academy Advisory Center, Counseling Center, Center for Academic Resources, Student Affairs and the Office of Academy Security. You'll get a more extensive and informative tour once you take your oath and get assigned schedules, but for now, it's time to land."

When the shuttle landed, almost all of the cadets vied to be the first ones out but the pilot shook his head as he blocked the door. "Starfleet cadets carry themselves with decorum," he said. "You will be judged from the moment you leave this shuttle until you retire from Starfleet. Now chins up, chests out, antennae straight and show the staff and your fellow what they have to look forward to."

Kelly waited her turn patiently and when she stepped out onto the grounds of the Academy that had hosted so many famous people, she knew that she had found her calling in life. It was the proudest moment of her life so far and she hoped it would be one of many.


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